Older Women Dating Younger Men – A Success Story



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My good friend Carol recently begun dating a man 9 years her junior. While I have dated younger men before, none of them have been more than 2 years younger than me. Carol and I got into a discussion about what it takes to date a younger man. Of course, Carol is a big proponent of dating younger men; I, however, have serious doubts about making such a relationship work long-term.

First, I strongly believe that there already exists a developmental gap between men and women of the same age. Men in their mid twenties are generally more concerned with partying and starting their career than settling down with a family. Many women in their mid-twenties, however, have already started thinking about getting married and having children- if not now, at least in the near future These differences just compound as you increase the age gap between the sexes.. Most women in their mid-thirties are sick of dating and looking for a husband. Although their twenty-something boyfriend might say he, too is looking to get married- and perhaps he really thinks he wants to marry this older woman- more often than not these relationships end when the twenty-something man realizes he’s just not ready for marriage yet. While that twenty something has
One of the hardest parts about dating a younger man is dealing with the insecurities that will inevitably creep up. Our society is appearance-focused, and youth is an unrealistic expectation placed upon every aging women. Whereas men are told they look “distinguished” with salt-and-pepper hair, women are taught from an early age to be ashamed of that first gray hair they find. Thus, many women who date younger men will generally find themselves obsessed with beauty products that will allow them to retain their youthful appearance, lest their man’s friends think they are anywhere near their real age. This can add unnecessary stress to a woman who is dating a younger man. It’s best for these women to realize that the best way to avoid the aging process is simply to lead a healthy life. Exercise, sleep, avoiding the sun, and a healthy diet are the best ways to ensure that you look your best.

Carol constantly reminds me that dating a younger man also has several perks. First, she firmly believe that being around someone younger keeps her younger. It’s hard to get stuck in an “elderly” way of life when you are with someone youthful and exuberant who always wants to go experience new things. Additionally, younger men typically have a higher sex drive, and this alone could lead some older women to date a younger man. Finally, dating a younger man can simply do wonder’s for a woman’s self-confidence. Carol tells me that it’s hard to feel old and washed up when every morning you wake up beside someone a decade younger than yourself. Besides, she reminds me, it’s worked for Ashton and Demi so far!


Younger men: If it is just a sexual fantasy to “hook up” with an older woman, and you have no further intentions in life than that, please let them know from the beginning. Even though we are a bit “older”, we still have feelings. If you are looking for a relationship, be honest and treat us with respect. We have a lot to offer you (more than most women your age) and you will soon come to find out just how rewarding it is to be dating a woman that is older than you.

Cougars: This is it ladies. We have finally come to a point in life where we don’t need a man our age to take care of us financially. We are tired of the b.s. that is sometimes associated with dating men our own age. Be proud of the fact that you are a liberated, strong female and empower yourself in your daily life. When you are dating younger men, realize that even though they are younger, they are still men. There are good apples and there are bad apples. Keep your eyes open, and feet on the ground and when you do finally find that special guy you will find yourself experiencing a richness in life in ways you never thought imaginable.